Monday, July 12, 2010

DS2 Bankrupt since November 2009

While HAN Fan sources expect that somebody to buy DS2 this week, she was very much surprised that they have been bankrupt since November 2009.

This was announced in a press  release March 5th 2010. But according to the Valencia Commercial Court document dated the 30th of November 2009 DS2 was officially made bankrupt. This document was only published March 4th 2010, hence the March 5th press release.

HAN Fan thinks 8 months is a long time to wind-up a company, but at least it seems to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Well well The nightmare is over, Marvell have finally reach the end of negotiation with DS2, They have made 40 employees redundant. It was a very curios selection of redundant list.
    All the Manage and their friends and family stay on, They have dissolved the Workers comite, and they have lay out members of the comite that belong to Union.
    I don't see the company doing well if the top are not remove...
    Remember that DS2 have not come out with a new product since the change of R+D Coordinators (Gigle Boys) over 5 years now...
